Dr. Ron Paul delivers a candid look at the dysfunctional American political system. Using anecdotes from his 23 years in Congress, he highlights the need for a limited government and more personal liberties. Dr. Paul captures audiences’ attention by relating the occurrence of current national issues such as debt, privacy, and freedom to the government’s neglect to follow the constitution. His unwavering passion leaves audiences motivated to speak out, wake up, and let politicians know what they want. Since his retirement from Congress, Dr. Paul has continued to work for limited constitutional government through organizations he founded, including the Foundation for Rational Economics and Education (FREE), Campaign for Liberty, and the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity. In addition, Dr. Paul recently launched The Ron Paul Liberty Report, an online network airing original programming on today’s most pertinent issues. Dr. Paul, the author of several best- selling books, most recently released Swords Into Plowshares, offering a personal refection on America’s history of war, foreign intervention, and prospects for peace.
DATE: Saturday, September 21, 2024
TIME: 12:30 pm
SUBJECT: “A Constitutional Conversation with Dr. Ron Paul”
LOCATION: Town Park • Grand Lake, CO 80447
SPEAKER: Professor Rob Natelson
BIO: Rob Natelson is Senior Fellow in Constitutional Studies at the Independence Institute in Denver. A former law professor, he has written widely on constitutional law and history. His research into the Constitution's meaning has been cited 39 times by Supreme Court justices since 2013, including 11 citations in 2023 alone. He also has extensive experience in business, journalism and politics and is a frequent guest on talk radio.
DATE: Monday, September 16, 2024
TIME: 5:00 pm
SUBJECT: "The Reserved State Powers over
War and Immigration"
LOCATION: Grand Lake Center - 301 Marina Dr.
SPEAKER: Holly Kasun
BIO: Originally from MN.
Went to University of Wisconsin, Madison.
Earned BA in Political science, then later, MA in Journalism & Business
Pursued her career in marketing working in the U.S. and Europe for brands including: Nike, adidas, Intel, Starbucks and Microsoft
From there, went to Silicon Valley and became a tech entrepreneur. Co-founded a drone tech startup.
Left San Francisco to move closer to family in CO, and started her next tech startup.
In 2020 Holly worked as an election Judge in Boulder County. Soon after that, she co-founded the U.S. Election Integrity Plan called USEIP. That’s where she got deeply involved with US elections - and the U.S. constitution.
DATE: Tuesday, September 17, 2024
TIME: 12:00 Noon
SUBJECT: "Voting Rights Laws and the First Amendment"
LOCATION: Grand Lake Center - 301 Marina Dr.
SPEAKER: Dr. Thomas Krannawitter, Ph.D.
BIO: Dr. Thomas Krannawitter is President of Speakeasy Ideas. He knows that every valuable human creation begins with an idea, and he specializes in distilling the most important ideas—starting with the idea of human liberty—so that others can understand them and use them to improve their own lives.
He holds a Ph.D. from the School of Politics & Economics at
the Claremont Graduate University. He has taught at
Claremont McKenna College, Hillsdale College, Ashland
University, and George Mason University, among other
places. He was Director of Academic Programs and Vice
President for Development at The Claremont Institute in
He’s one of the principal instructors for the Leadership Program of the Rockies, based in Colorado, and the Charter Oak Leadership Program in Connecticut. He frequently
advises businesses and charitable organizations on communications, cultural development, and strategy.
Dr. Krannawitter has testified before state legislatures, though he doesn’t put much faith in politicians. That’s among the reasons why he focuses on teaching citizens, helping teachers, students, business owners, and others to improve our modern American culture through persuasion and moving stories. Americans won’t get better policies from their government until they demand better politicians to serve in government.
Dr. Krannawitter’s research and published writings have ranged from politics to constitutional law to economics to social commentary, from specific historic events to
timeless philosophic questions. His 2008 book, Vindicating Lincoln, was featured by The History Book Club and endorsed by the United States Lincoln Bicentennial Commission.
His 2014 book, Crisis of Our House Divided: A Guide To Talking Politics Without The Noise, applies the lessons of Lincoln to our challenges today. His most recent book,
Save the Swamp: Career Guidebook for Budding Bureaucrats, is different. Swamp is funny. It’s satire. Feel free to check out Dr. Krannawitter’s author page at Amazon.
Dr. Krannawitter has received numerous research fellowships throughout his career, including an H.B. Earhart Fellowship. He was a Winston Churchill Society Fellow, a
Henry Salvatori Fellow at the Heritage Foundation, and a Richard Weaver Fellow at the Intercollegiate Studies Institute.
DATE: Tuesday, September 17, 2024
TIME: 5:00 pm
SUBJECT: "The US Constitution as the Greatest
Anti-Slavery Document Ever"
LOCATION: Grand Lake Center - 301 Marina Dr.
SPEAKER: Brian Blumenfeld, J.D., M.A.
BIO: Brian is a practicing attorney, published author, and a proud long-term resident of Grand Lake. He has served as an adjunct professor of law at the University of Wyoming where he has taught law and constitutional government. Brian has published original scholarship on federalism, international law, and marijuana legalization with the University of Virginia's Journal of Social Policy & the Law and with Pepperdine Law Review. He is also, most importantly, the founder and commissioner of the Grand Lake Pond Hockey Classic. Brian holds a J.D. and an M.A. in American Studies from Rutgers University.
DATE: Wednesday, September 18, 2024
TIME: 5:00 pm
SUBJECT: "Money, Money, Money: Campaign
Finance Reform and Constitutional Law"
LOCATION: Grand Lake Center - 301 Marina Dr.
EVENT: Veterans Roundtable
SPEAKER: Laddie Coburn, Captain US Navy (Ret.)
Laddie Coburn was born in Lansing, Michigan, in 1943 and moved to a small ranch near Tucson, Arizona, with his parents when he was five years old. He went through secondary schools in Marana, Arizona, and graduated from high school in 1961 as valedictorian of his class. He was nominated by Senator Barry Goldwater to attend all military academies upon graduation from high school and was selected to attend the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, from which he graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Aeronautical Engineering in 1965. He was commissioned as a Navy Officer and attended naval aviation flight training in Pensacola, Florida, in 1966.
He was assigned to RA-5C Vigilante flight training in 1966, and after receiving his Wings of Gold as a Naval Flight Officer and Bombardier/Navigator, he served in the U.S. Navy aboard aircraft carriers as a TACAIR Naval Flight Officer from 1967 through 1989, where he specialized in military avionics and electronics, including radar and electronic warfare systems. His military assignments included operational tours flying RA-5C reconnaissance aircraft from the USS SARATOGA (CVA-60) and the USS RANGER (CVA-61) in combat in Vietnam in 1968-1969. For shore duty, he attended the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California from 1969-1972, where he received two Masters Degrees in engineering (MSAE and MSEE) and a Professional Engineers Degree (AeE) in Aeroelectronics in 1972.
He then returned to operational flying in EA-6B and EKA-3B electronic warfare aircraft aboard three large-deck aircraft carriers, including the USS NIMITZ (CVN-68). After an overseas shore tour with the Office of Naval Research, Branch Office London, he returned to Washington DC, where he served from 1980 to 1989 as an Aeronautical Engineering Duty Officer (AEDO) in the Naval Air Systems Command headquarters and field laboratory scientific and engineering billet assignments. He was promoted to Captain USN in 1986 and assigned as a Program Manager for the Fleet Electronic Warfare Support Group (FEWSG) EC-24/EC-135 RDT&E electronic warfare aircraft operating from naval shore stations world-wide.
After retirement in 1989, Mr. Coburn worked as a defense contractor program manager and senior engineer on a variety of military classified programs, including naval aviation RDT&E aircraft and weapon systems. For ten years he served as company Vice President and directed the field office in Lexington Park, Maryland. He specialized as a radar technology analyst and aircraft survivability engineer for U.S. Navy tactical jet aircraft programs. Now retired, he lives in Grand Lake, Colorado, and is active with the American Legion, an Officer with the Grand County GOP, and a Director with Constitution Week. For leisure activities he enjoys hiking, fishing, boating, and kayaking in the summer and alpine and nordic skiing in the winter in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado.
DATE: Thursday, September 19, 2024
TIME: 12:00 Noon
SUBJECT: "The Oath of Office to Support and
Defend the Constitution"
LOCATION: Grand Lake Center - 301 Marina Dr.
EVENT: Veterans Roundtable
SPEAKER: Tom Bock, Sgt. USAF Veteran
Thomas L. Bock born March 10, 1947 in David City, Nebraska
Thomas is a Past National Commander of The American Legion the nation’s largest veteran’s organization with a membership of nearly 2 million members. He has been a member of this organization since April 20, 1970 and has served in various positions of leadership from the local Post level to the National level.
Tom is a Viet Nam era veteran of the United States Air Force serving from 1966 through 1970. He served as a Defensive Fire Control Technician on the B-52 aircraft obtaining the rank of Sargent.
As National Commander he traveled extensively to all 50 states ad 13 foreign countries including Europe, SE Asia, Iraq and Guantanamo Bay Cuba. During his term he met with the President of the United States, George W. Bush and the members of his cabinet including Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and many members of Congress.
Active in obtaining the State Veterans Nursing Home at Fitzsimons
Active in obtaining the VA Hospital in Aurora
Director of the American Legion Boys Nation
Director of American Legion Colorado Boys State program for 15 years
National Commander of The American Legion, 2005/06
Chairman of the National Foreign Relations Commission, 2002-2004
National Executive Committeeman, 1995-2001
The American Legion Colorado State Commander, 1992
Chairman of the Department of Colorado Finance Committee for 10 years, responsible for creation and management of an annual budget of over $1 million
Served as The American Legion Colorado Deputy Department Adjutant for 20 years
Tom retired from AT&T in 2000 after a 30 year management career. He has been married to his wife Elaine for 57 years and they have 4 children, 6 grandchildren and 1 great grandson.
DATE: Thursday, September 19, 2024
TIME: 12:00 Noon
SUBJECT: "The Oath of Office to Support and
Defend the Constitution"
LOCATION: Grand Lake Center - 301 Marina Dr.
EVENT: Veterans Roundtable
SPEAKER: Gerald Boyd, LtCol US Army (Ret.)
Born and Raised in a small town in South Dakota
Received his Commission as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Army through ROTC at South Dakota State University in 1975
He was branch assigned to the Field Artillery where he served in numerous duty positions and station assignments in the US and Overseas.
He held duty positions of Battery Fire Direction Officer and Executive Officer in an 8” Self-propelled Howitzer unit in the Federal Republic of Germany (76-79). Served as Battalion Fire Direction Officer, Firing Battery Commander, Brigade Fire Support Officer, and Battalion Assistant Operation Officer, in a 155mm Self-propelled Direct Support Battalion in Ft Carson, Colorado (80-83). Transitioned from cannon artillery to missile systems and served as a Firing Platoon Commander, Battery Operations, and Battalion Operation, in Nuclear Launch Command Operation of a Pershing II Missile System in the Federal Republic of Germany (83-86). Duty assignment in secondary Military Occupation Specialty (MOS) of Military Intelligence as Head of Threat Assessments for the Field Artillery Directorate of Combat Development Ft Sill, Ok (86-87).
After 12 years on active duty, he transferred to the Active Reserve where he served for 9 years in the Field Artillery branch of the 1st Maneuver Training Command (MTC) conducting training evaluations of National Guard and Reserve Units in a multi-state area.
He has been awarded the Meritorious Service Medal, the Army Superior Unit Award, the Army Commendation Medal with 3 Oakleaf Clusters, Army Achievement Medal with Oakleaf Cluster, Army Overseas Service Ribbon
He is a graduate of the Field Artillery Officers Basic and Advanced Coarse, the Pershing Officers Course, the Pershing II Transition Course, the Nuclear Planning Course, Nuclear Surety Course, and the Combined Arms Services Staff School.
He retired as a Lieutenant Colonel in 1996 after 21 years of service.
After a second career as a project manager for a company doing remote sensing and geographic information systems projects throughout the US, Caribbean, Central, and South America, he retired a second time in 2014 to live full time in Grand County with his wife Lynnae (who is also an Army veteran and a West Point Graduate from the third class with women).
He is the Past Commander (2016-2021) of American Legion Post 88 here in Grand County. Stepped down as Commander after they lost their home in the East Troublesome Wild Fire, but still an active member of the post.
DATE: Thursday, September 19, 2024
TIME: 12:00 Noon
SUBJECT: "The Oath of Office to Support and
Defend the Constitution"
LOCATION: Grand Lake Center - 301 Marina Dr.
EVENT: Veterans Roundtable
SPEAKER: Lynnae Boyd, Major US Army Veteran
Colorado Native, grew up in Arvada, CO graduated from Arvada High School. Attended the United States Military Academy, West Point in 1978 graduating in 1982, in the 3rd West Point Graduating class with women. Commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the U.S. Army, Field Artillery, then branch transferred to the Medical Service Corps in 1983. Her first active-duty assignment was to Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, DC in the Directorate, Operations and Information Management. After 5 years on Active Duty transferred in the US Army Active Reserves where she served 9 years in the Maneuver Training Command (MTC), Medical Service Unit. This assignment included conducting training and deployment readiness evaluations for National Guard and Army Reserve Medical Units; Mobile Hospital units, Medical Evacuation units including air and ground ambulance, Dental units and Medical administration units. During Desert Storm assigned for 5 months at Fort Carson to conduct deployment readiness training and evaluation for Medical Units being deployed to Desert Storm. Served as the Logistics Officer (S4) for a Combat Support Hospital for 1 year. She resigned her commission from the Army after 15 years total Active and Reserve duty.
Transitioned from the military to civilian career completing Graduate School at University of Denver with a Master of Technology Management (MOTM). Completed a17 year career as a Project Manager at Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory working in Bioenergy, Hydrogen and Solar Energy Programs. Of special interest was the opportunity to use both military background and civilian experiences in a special assignment as a liaison from NREL (DOE) to the US Department of Army (DA) to examine renewable energy opportunities for US based installations and local energy providers to adopt/install sustainable renewable energy. Resulting in coming full circle from a young US Army Lieutenant (DA) to a Senior (DOE) Renewable Energy Project Manager working with US Department of Army.
Retired in 2014 and lived full time in Grand County with her husband Jerry. Embraced the community becoming actively involved with American Legion Post 88, Election Judge for local and general elections for the Grand County Clerk and Reorder. Also, volunteered at the Sulpher Ranger District Arapahoe & Roosevelt National Forests Visitors Center.
Currently enjoying boating life on a 42-foot Grand Banks Motor Yacht “Troublesome Phoenix” and traveling America’s Great Loop and enjoying three beautiful grandchildren.
DATE: Thursday, September 19, 2024
TIME: 12:00 Noon
SUBJECT: "The Oath of Office to Support and
Defend the Constitution"
LOCATION: Grand Lake Center - 301 Marina Dr.
SPEAKER: Patrick D. Warfle, Captain USNR (Ret.), SES Intelligence Executive (Ret.)
Retired SES Intelligence Community officer and former USNR Captain (Intelligence)
Current Position: President, QUINTUS Consulting, LLC, an independent Intelligence Community (IC) and Department of Defense (DoD) Consulting Group. Science Fiction Author.
Space-based and Airborne Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) Expert;
Broad Senior Intelligence Community, International Partner and Defense Acquisition Experience;
Senior Leader in Deployed Combat/Armistice Conditions (Iraq, Afghanistan, South Korea);
Extensive DoD and IC Programming and Budgeting Experience;
Congressional Staff Experience, as a Congressional Staffer and as an Executive Branch Official;
Department of Defense Career Hightlights (32 years Federal Service):
Director, Acquisition Intelligence Requirements Task Force (AIR/TF), managing Intelligence support to DoD’s Major Defense Acquisition Programs comprising a $1.4 trillion investment; Led concept designs for a future, agile, sentient intelligence architecture for 5th-Generation weapons;
Director, Defense Analysis, Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security (USDI&S); policy oversight and budget authority for the Defense Intelligence Enterprise.
Deployed National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA) Senior Representative to Task Force 714, Bagram, Afghanistan and Balad, Iraq.
NGA Director for Military Support, responsible for 2000 deployed combat support personnel.
Chair of Director of National Intelligence (DNI) committee controlling space-based reconnaissance.
NGA Director of Warning, advising the White House, DNI, Secretary of Defense, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, and Combatant Commanders of threat warning from imagery reconnaissance, 24x7.
Director, Congressional Affairs, NGA.
Associate Deputy Director, Imagery Acquisition and Operations (IMINT), National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), leading 4500 satellite acquisition engineers and space operations officers.
CAPSTONE Fellow, National Defense University, 2012;
M.S., Defense Industrial Management, Industrial College of the Armed Forces, 1995;
M.A., National Security Studies, Georgetown University 1984;
B.A., Government and International Relations, College of William and Mary, 1980;
Read Economics, Christ’s College, Cambridge University, England, 1978.
Presidential Rank Award-Meritorious Executive; Secretary of Defense Global War on Terror Medal; NGA Distinguished Civilian Service Medal; NGA Meritorious Civilian Service Medal; NRO Superior Service Medallion; military awards and decorations as a Reserve Officer (DMSM, JSCM, NCM, NAM).
Military Service:
Retired U.S. Navy Reserve Captain (O-6); two command tours; Wartime Reserve J2, US Forces Korea.
Married to the former Jane N Bush, a Tax Attorney with Bloomberg; Rock drummer; Painter; Amateur Astronomer; Fly Fisherman; Eagle Scout; American Legion Post 88, and Grampa.
DATE: Thursday, September 19, 2024
TIME: 4:00 pm
SUBJECT: "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness"
LOCATION: Grand Lake Center - 301 Marina Dr.
SPEAKER: Mark R. “Hawk” Thomas, Esq.,
Colonel, USAF (Ret.)
Mark R. “Hawk” Thomas is Managing Counsel at Reid Law PC, where he represents federal business ventures. Colonel Thomas is a federal lawyer, industry executive, military aviator, and electrical engineer with more than thirty years’ tested leadership in federal contracting, technology development, and legal advocacy.
Colonel Thomas advises and litigates on behalf of entities seeking to establish, protect, or expand their presence in government markets. As specialized legal counsel and strategic mentor, he guides clients through the statutory and regulatory labyrinths, nuanced technical challenges, and shifting financial complexities inherent to procurement transactions and compliance disputes with federal agencies. His specialized legal services are anchored in a unique confluence of senior federal acquisition credentials,
broad technology expertise, niche legal faculty, and seasoned market acumen. He delivers to clients the exceptional focus, intrinsic synergy, and superior value proposition arising from these diverse and extraordinary qualifications in a single source.
Colonel Thomas began his military service as a tactical weapons designer and flight test engineer. HIs exemplary career included assignments as technology architect of the U.S. Air Force’s conventional weapons portfolio; the U.S. Department of Defense’s future joint, interagency, and multinational warfighting capability; and the U.S. Government’s nuclear command and control system. He later commanded the U.S. Air Force’s Space Development & Test Group, leading more than 535 personnel and directing a multibillion dollar annual budget.
Colonel Thomas coauthored the first joint tactical missile technology roadmap in the Department of Defense, led an unprecedented government-industry initiative to provide military launch and on-orbit support for commercial satellites, and spearheaded the award-winning modernization of the United Kingdom’s Airborne Warning & Control System (AWACS) aircraft fleet. He is a Department of Defense Joint Specialty Officer and Senior Acquisition Corps member. His awards include the Airman’s Medal for Valor, the Lieutenant General Richard C. Henry Leadership Award, and he was twice named Company Grade Officer of the Year at the Wing level.
Colonel Thomas holds graduate degrees in business administration and military operations as well as postgraduate credentials in defense systems management, national security strategy, and federal procurement policy. He earned his Juris Doctor degree at the University of Denver, where he was a Ben S. Wendelken scholar and Business Editor of the Denver University Law Review. A critically acclaimed national speaker on federal business ventures and public sector contract law, he is also an award-winning author addressing military, engineering, business, and legal topics.
Colonel Thomas has served businesses over the past decade and across the nation of every size, socioeconomic status, and industry (e.g., construction, engineering, healthcare, manufacturing, transportation, technology, etc.) as a trusted advisor and key stakeholder with regard to federal contract proposal development, teaming alliances and joint ventures, solicitation challenges, subcontractor arrangements, small business standards, award protests and appeals, contract negotiation, cost and labor standards, export control, international arms trafficking compliance, inventions and data rights, inspections and warranties, contract amendments and equitable adjustments, contract terminations, false claims, and suspension and debarment actions.
Colonel Thomas is active in military charities and served on the Board of Directors for the Justice And Mercy Legal Aid Center (JAMLAC.org). He is an international open water distance swimmer, a certified scuba rescue diver, an avid mountain biker, and the father of three young adults.
DATE: Thursday, September 19, 2024
TIME: 5:00 pm
SUBJECT: "Faith – Family – Freedom
A Constitutional Life Covenant"
LOCATION: Grand Lake Center - 301 Marina Dr.
SPEAKER: Allison Rogers & Sunny Kutcher
Sunny Kutcher:
Sunny was born and raised in the suburbs of New York and has always had a passion for liberty, history, and individualism. Strong American values and worldviews were instilled in her by her freedom-loving father and her mother, who immigrated from France because she was so drawn to the opportunity for success that is the American Dream. From a young age, Sunny would debate her classmates with conviction on the topics of American independence and free market economics. After graduating from New York University with a Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts, Sunny relocated to Los Angeles. She became involved with grassroots campaigns and fundraising in order to restore law and order to one of America’s most beautiful cities that has been destroyed by detrimental radical left policies. She is now the Chief Operations Officer of Young Americans Against Socialism and feels it is her highest purpose to combine her reverence for history and American ideals and skills in media and public speaking to be a staunch voice and advocate for freedom. She believes it is our responsibility as Americans to understand the horrors of socialism and communism to ensure America remains a beacon of hope and liberty. Sunny is honored to be inspiring and empowering young patriots of the rising generations to lead with respect and love for our great nation through Educate Freedom.
Allison Rogers:
Allie grew up in Northern California with her family, and learned early on how to defend her strong conservative values by the way she was raised in the leftist stronghold state. She remembers her mom talking openly with her about those suffering in communist countries, specifically China and North Korea, and those conversations instilled a deeper sense of individual freedom at a young age. With a background of over 10 years working with newborns-preschoolers, and having studied Infant and Childhood Development in college, she developed a strong philosophy about what children need in order to thrive in their environment: trust, respect, security and family. During the pandemic, she connected with the Founder of Young Americans Against Socialism, Morgan Zegers, at a political summit and shortly after, she began working with the organization. Allie's passion for writing, sincere love for our nation's values, experience with developing young minds, and knowledge of the importance of the family unit and how to guide parents in developmentally appropriate conversations with their children has opened new exciting pathways for our organization's new learning program, Educate Freedom. In March 2024, Allie became the CEO of Young Americans Against Socialism and is dedicated to sparking a sincere love for freedom in the hearts and minds of this generation!
DATE: Friday, September 120, 2024
TIME: 12:00 Noon
SUBJECT: "From Revolution to the Constitution:
America's Quest for Liberty"
LOCATION: Grand Lake Center - 301 Marina Dr.
SPEAKER: Norm Steen,
Brigadier General (ret), US Army/ARNG
BIO: “Norm Steen is the State Director of the American Legion Colorado Boys State program and a member of the American Legion Boys Nation staff, which are youth programs of the American Legion for civics education of high school juniors at the state and national levels.
Norm served as an Army combat arms officer for more than 32 years, retiring at the rank of Brigadier General in 2010. As a logistics planner, he assisted with the redeployment of more than 16,000 soldiers and their equipment from Operation Desert Storm from the Middle East in 1991.
While serving as a National Guard officer for most of his military career, he founded and led a civilian commercial logistics services company for nearly 20 years.
In 2012, Norm sold his business and ran for public office, was elected County Commissioner for Teller County, Colorado, and was re-elected in 2016. He has testified before the Colorado Legislature numerous times on Constitutional and public policy matters and once before a US Congressional committee.
In 2021, Norm served as the District Director for a US Congressman, leading constituent services and outreach.
Norm has a Bachelor of Science in Economics, a Masters in Public Administration, and a Masters in Military Studies. He is a 2016 graduate of the Leadership Program of the Rockies. He currently volunteers with his local church, American Legion post, Junior Achievement, and is the current president of the Ute Pass Kiwanis Club.
He has been married to his wife Dr Cheryl Steen for 46 years. They have three grown children and six grandchildren and reside in Woodland Park CO, soon moving to Loveland CO.
Norm’s current focus in life is to ‘work on the handoff’—to prepare the next generation of young people for life’s important issues, including living out United States Constitutional values and principles.”
DATE: Friday, September 20, 2024
TIME: 5:00 pm
SUBJECT: "Become an Engaged Young US Citizen"
LOCATION: Grand Lake Center - 301 Marina Dr.